Well. This has been an interesting evening, to say the least.
So, we met up with Rose, and after we talked for a bit, we have discovered something disturbing.
Something that will make this blog go in the opposite direction of it's original purpose.
This blog was supposed to be something that distracted us from the horrors that we face, to make us feel happy and care-free. (at least as care-free as a college student can be.) We wanted to forget, to ignore.
Well, i should probably start from the beginning.
Before i met Theo, i had no friends. I was bullied to the point of clinical depression. The fact that i had a sadist for an older brother didn't help. My other brother, Seth, was not like this, but he was weak and sickly from a cancer that has ravaged his body as an infant. My parents died before i could even walk, so no help there. Then i met Theodore Deavreaux. He was like me, a friendless, yet highly intelligent person.
We became the best of friends, and have been inseparable ever since.
Now for the bad stuff.
We realized early on that we were different from other people. Theo could.... see and do things that were impossible. I could tell what a person was feeling, without them saying anything, or tell if they were telling the truth or not. The one person who was an exception to this (well, until today.) was Theo.
Another thing we noticed was that we had a shared-boogeyman of sorts. We had both seen him as far as we could remember, always coming at night, or when there was no one else around. At times, he would appear in the distance, and we would point him out to others, but they seemed to be unable to see him. He was tall, wearing a black business suit, with a tie that was either red or black, and he was pale, and appeared to be faceless. Sometimes, when we were little, he would speak to us, without a mouth. Creepy, i know. He would tell us that people would die, and soon, those people appeared on the news, found dead either in the woods, or in their homes. These people were killed.... in the most brutal way i can imagine. First, they were skinned, and then cut up, and put into several trash bags. those found in the woods had their skins in the tree, like some horrific kite blown there by the wind, and the bags were hung by the branches.We soon figured out that "The tall guy" was doing this. Once, when were bout ten, he approached us in the park. Theo... it's hard to describe.... he threw something i couldn't see at the thing. A noise like a thousand people screaming assaulted my eardrums, and these tentacles erupted from it's back, flinging us several feet away. but these tentacles looked.. wrong somehow. They were bent at odd angles, and were different from the ones we had seen him use before. Soon afterwards, we realized that he had looked different from how he had in the past, and Theo said he felt different. As we were discussing this, he came back. But he seemed normal. We asked him why, and he said he didn't do it. Weird, how we just believed him. We described the incident to him, and he got real mad, and took off. We heard the screaming noise again that night. ever since, we have not seen the original, only the bent, wrong one. He has attacked us numerous times. When i was 15, he killed Seth. We didn't see it happen, but it was obvious who had done it. Kyle grew emotionally distant, and he left a few months after it happened. I have not seen nor heard from him since.
Anyway, Back to the present. after talking to Rose, we have learned that she has been stalked by the same entity(s?) her whole life as well. And then there is the matter of her cat. Apparently, she has had this cat since she was 3 years old. she is 19. And the cat looks no older than 2 or 3 years. Well, i have had stranger things happen. After you have read this, you will probably realize the thing i described is startingly similar to "slenderman". Yes, it is him. Might as well say it now.
Rose will now regularly be posting on here.
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